tirsdag 22. juni 2010 | By: Gunn (MsPlum)

How to add photos on CDAC

This is a little "how to" add photos on
Crafter's Digital Art Center.

1. This is what your profilpage looks like. Click on "Add photos".

2. This page comes up. Click on the square.

3. A new window opens. In this window, find the folder on your computer that holds the images. Choose the images you want to upload. If you want more than one hold down the ctrl button (on your keyboard) and the click on all the images you want to upload. When you have done your selction click on the Open button

4. You will now get a list of your choosen images. Click upload.

5. Now you can give your images names and descriptions. If you want to enter the images to the First Digi Kick of Challenge you write fdkoc in the tagsection.

On this page you can also create an album. This is optional.

6. When you have given all your images names, descritions and/or tags click on the save button at the bottom of the page.

That's it!
Now run over and upload all your beauties so we can come and see ;o)
